God Brought You to Us!
This Hungarian greeting, to visiting guests, well
expresses our feelings about visitors and newcomers
to our wonderful Saint Margaret’s community.

Saint Margaret’s Anglican Church
Budapest, Hungary
Sunday Worship at 10.30

We invite you to look around
our website and get to know us.
Visit our Facebook Page frequently
to see our upcoming events and
all the interesting stories.
You are always welcome at Saint Margaret’s.
After all, God has brought you our way…!

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Email anglicanbudapest@gmail.com stating that you "agree to the privacy policy of St Margaret's, Budapest and that you would like to receive our newsletter"

We are a community of dedicated Christians, living out the Gospel Life following our Anglican traditions and beliefs. Anglican by the way refers to the Church of England and all its sister churches throughout the world. Anglican Christians have been living and working in Hungary for generations. But Saint Margaret’s was officially founded in 1992 after the fall of Communism. We plan to be here, God willing, for many generations to come.
Here in Budapest, we come from many nations and continents; from Hungary to the United Kingdom;
from Africa to North America. We also come in all vintages and sizes including children, young
adults, families, singles, and retired folks. You would likely feel right at home among us.
You may already know some of our members.

Our spiritual roots are found in the beliefs of the ancient Christian
faith and the Church of England going all the way back to the
third century. We believe in the Bible and in the ageless Creeds
of the Church.
But we also understand that we live in the twenty-first century
with all its stresses and contradictions. We rejoice both in our oneness and in our
diversity. We cherish questions as much as answers.
Our parish patron, Saint Margaret of Scotland, is pictured here in a roadside
shrine near Mecseknádasd in southern Hungary where she was born in the
eleventh century.
For more information about Anglicans in Europe, please visit
And, for more information about Anglicans throughout the world, please visit